
This is just a short excerpt for the about page.

Welcome to Glycerine Queen Media

What’s this?

I am Sara Harnetty. I’ve been blogging for over five years now and Glycerine Queen Media is a collection of posts about everything that I’m passionate about. It’s also a fusion of all the topics I’ve blogged about in the past. These topics includes: opinion of news and current affairs, pop culture and LGBTQ+ rights, including asexuality and ace visibilIty and activism.

How did this site come to be?

I have been blogging pretty consistently since June 2013. There were three sites that I kept up to date regularly and started blog Facebook Pages (on two of them). The blogs were Asexuality in a Sexual World, News, Views and Ramblings and PowerGirrrl. This blog is a fusion of those three. It’s easier to maintain one!

What I hope you get out of it

When you find this site, I hope that you feel informed. I also hope that you’d feel comfortable and compelled enough to give me your thoughts on what I write and interact with other readers. Don’t be shy. All I ask is that you remain respectful to me and the other readers.  I really hope to spark discussion and debate. I”d also love to hear other people’s personal experiences (anything that you’re comfortable enough to share.


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