
Happy new year and plans for Glycerine Queen Media in 2019

Happy new year everybody! I hope you all had or are having a great New Year’s Eve. Mine was great.

I’m quite pumped about this year and am determined to make this blog grow more. Thank you to everyone who supported Glycerine Queen Media in 2018.

No doubt there’d be a lot for me to write about this year. There often is. What lacks is hours. However, this year, my hope is I can update the blog more consistently.

The last few days, I’ve wondered to myself whether I’d like to make a YouTube channel as an extension to GQM. I do have a channel, but have nothing uploaded onto it. Has anyone here got a YouTube channel as well as a blog? Do you have any tips for juggling both? Feel free to drop any tips or insights in the comments.

Anyhoo, happy new year! May 2019 be everything you hope for!


Social media plan for Glycerine Queen Media

(From top left): Instagram icon, Twitter, Facebook, PInterest
Display created via Canva


I just want to inform you about my social media strategy for Glycerine Queen Media.

All the posts and images associated with this blog will no longer be seen on my personal social media accounts or the Cherry Bomb Media Facebook page. Instead, I have made new accounts for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest dedicated to this blog and am planning on making a new Facebook page. The reasons why I did this are twofold: one; it allows me to separate my private life to my blogging one and two; it allows me to have all my accounts using the same email address, rather than a number of personal ones.

My past blogs: Asexuality in a Sexual World, PowerGirrl, News Views and Ramblings and the former URL/ name for this site Cherry Bomb Media were simply test runs. It allowed me to work out how to operate a blog; write in it regularly and allow posts to appear both on my private Facebook Wall and Pages I made. Now, I want to do what other media organisations, such as Ravishly and Mamamia have done; have a personal social media presence, as well as a separate presence for my blog.

It’s still a work in progress, but I’m excited about the future.


Hi all.

I know it’s been a while and I apologise. The cold is going around.

Hopefully, I’ll be back in full swing next week. There’s so much I want to write about including the possible end of Everyday Feminism. As I always ask when media outlets face financial trouble, I’ll be wondering what it means for writers/ bloggers in the future, including left – leaning/ feminist writers.

Although I didn’t watch it very much, I realized that the comedy “Last Man Standing”, starring Tim Allen has been axed in the U.S. What does that mean for free speech, etc.? (More details shortly).

Geelong Council in Victoria raises rainbow flag until gay marriage is legal in Australia. Is that OK? I’ll offer my thoughts.

I might do a piece on the Alan Joyce vs. “Pie Man” saga. That’s another gift that just keeps on giving.


Anyway, there’s a few things that I’ve noticed this week. I usually like to keep on top of current events and try to write about them when they’re being talked about, but what are you going to do?


What’s been happening with you? What’s caught your attention this week? Leave your thoughts below in the comments section.