
Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt sentenced for child abuse

Trigger warning: this post mentions child abuse and may be triggering for some readers. If this is true for you, please proceed with care.

On Wednesday, (Australian Eastern Daylight Time), a Utah judge sentenced Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt

The 8 Passengers’ matriarch was sentenced between four to sixty years imprisonment for aggravated child abuse. Hildebrandt was given the same sentence.

Late last year, Franke confessed to abusing her – then twelve -year – old son. She admitted to forcing him to work outside in late Spring to late Summer (May to August). Despite the heat, Franke’s son wasn’t given adequate water. He also suffered severe sunburns.

Franke also physically abused her son and bound his ankles and wrists with handcuffs and rope.

Franke then ‘treated’ the boy’s injuries with duct tape.

When the judge asked her plea, Franke said:

With my deepest regret and sorrow for my family and my children, guilty.

Franke treated her then – then nine – year. – old – daughter in similar ways.

Yet, Franke has had the gall to accuse one of her children of sexual abuse and calling her children ‘evil and posessed’. If the second statement isn’t an example of projection, I don’t know what is!

Franke’s sadistic nature was evident on ‘8 Passengers’

Image: contrastaddict, iStock

No one should be surprised with these charges. Ruby is sadistic and she hasn’t hid it.

As far back as 2020, viewers were disturbed over Franke’s overly – strictt parenting.

She treated her children horribly, all in the public eye.

Last year, reporters and commentators revealed that Franke forced her eldest son to sleep on a beanbag for seven months. In a video, the teenager revealed that he’d got in trouble for pranking his brother.

She refused to give her young daughter —who was six at the time — lunch at school. Why? Because the six – year – old daughter forgot to pack it.

In 2021, Franke announced that she and Kevin were giving two of their youngest children “the gift of truth” for Christmas. That’s code for nothing. These children weren’t even teenagers at this stage.

But wait, there’s more. Both children were used by toy companies to promote… toys for Christmas. You can’t make this stuff up!

Snail Galaxy started a petition calling for Child Protection Services (CPS) to investigate Franke’s treatment of the children. Unfortunately, it amassed less than three hundred signatures. But Franke was starting to get attention for all the wrong reasons.

YouTuber Josh Barbour has covered Franke’s cruelty on Dad Challenge Podcast for about three years.

Ex – LDS couple, Jordan and McKay has also spoken about Franke and Hildebrandt, especially Hildebrandt’s therapy practices.

Where to from here?

The imprisonment of Franke and Hildebrandt brings up many issues. One is exploitation of children online. The other is the danger of the ‘picture perfect’ image that family vloggers put across. It seems limke that the more ‘perfect’ a vlogger family seems, the more that they have to hide.

As social media users, the best we can do is stop falling for it. Stop watching family vlogs and other problematic creators. Fortunately, that’s starting to happen.

If this post brings up any issues for you and you’re in Australia, you can contact:

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 or go on their webchat

Kids Helpline (for those between five and 25): 1800 55 1800 or their webchat

If you or anyone you know is in immediate danger, call 000 or your national emergency number.


Family vlogger, Ruby Franke has been refused bail after child abuse charges. Who didn’t see this coming?

YouTube influencer, Ruby Franke and therapist, Jodi Hildebrandt gave ‘advice’ and ‘Truth’ and not ‘living in distortion’. Now, both have been charged of aggravated child abuse.

TW: severe child abuse. If this is triggering for you, please proceed with caution or skip this post entirely.

Family vlogger Ruby Franke and controversial therapist, Jodi Hildebrandt has been charged with child abuse.

The pair are behind life coach service, ConneXions, which is based in Utah.

On the 31 August, Franke and Hildebrandt were arrested at Hildebrandt’s home in Ivins.

Hildebrandt and Franke were charged with aggravated child abuse.

According to Title 76 of Utah’s Criminal Code, aggravated child abuse is committed when:

a. inflicts upon a child serious injury; or

b. having the care or custody of such child, causes or permits another to inflict serious injury upon a child.

Franke and Hildebrandt are being accused of starvation and torture.

Franke makes disturbing accusations

Have Franke or Hildebrandt expressed any remorse? Of course not!

In fact, Franke had the gall to accuse one of her children of abuse.

According to the New York Post, Franke accused one of her child of molesting siblings and accessing pornography… at three years old.

Let that sink in.

I’m not saying what she’s saying is true. However, if it was true, that’s a failure of adults around that child. That child was not protected. At worst, the child could have been abused. If it’s true, the child is still a victim.

(Surprise, surprise, Franke didn’t provide evidence for these claims).

Franke’s now ex – husband, Kevin has denied taking part in any abuse. However, he has defended Ruby’s troubling parenting style.

Did Jodi Hildebrandt radicalise Franke?

Some people have accused Hildebrandt of radicalising Franke through ConneXions. Commentators claim Hildebrandt is a cult leader.

However, anyone familiar with 8 Passengers YouTube channel could see that Franke was already sadistic.

Frankie’s abusive behaviour there for all to see

Like other commentators, I’ve decided not to list examples of Franke’s reprehensible behaviour on 8 Passengers.

Let’s just say that Franke’s past behaviour showed that she was cruel to her children; physically and emotionally. One could say that something like these horrible (alleged) crimes were somewhat predictable.

I don’t think Hildebrandt manipulated Franke to abuse her children. At least not without Franke’s permission.

I’m not saying that Hildebrandt is innocent. She is a reprehensible therapist and person. Her niece, Jessi (they/ them) has spoken about Hildebrandt’s troubling past behaviour.

In past videos, she has openly blamed survivors of abuse of ‘playing the victim’.

Hildebrandt has allegedly made unethical choices as a therapist, including breaching client confidentiality by exposing a client’s ‘pornography addiction’ to LDS bishops. Despite being temporarily suspended, as far as I know, Hildebrandt is still a licensed therapist in Utah.

Update: According to Yahoo News, two of Franke’s sisters have spoken out.

Hoellein addressed (capitalised on), Franke’s arrest on her channel. Unfortunately, the videos are self – focused, rather than seeking justice and healing for the children.

This exposes the darkest side of family vlogging and extreme parenting. I hope the children get the help they deserve.

If you’re in Australia and have found this distressing, you can contact:

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 000 or your national emergency number.